Thanks to all our present and past sponsors. With your help, we have raised over $148,000 so far, and hope to reach our goal of another $20,000 this year. If you or your company would join us with a sponsorship, please click here for more information.
2019 Sponsors
USA Hauling & Recycling Miracles Sponsor
Wentworth-DeAngelis & Kaufman Insurance, Inc Miracles Sponsor
Windsor Federal Bank Golf Cart Sponsor
Begley Associates, LLC Golf Cart Sponsor
Peoples Bank of Suffield Lunch Sponsor
Pat & Joe DeSimone Cocktail Sponsor
Al & Maureen Worley Cocktail Sponsor
Bill & Pat Rotatori Dinner Sponsor
Ted Keyes BBK Group Merrill Lynch Beer Cart Sponsor
Pioneer Valley Dental Arts Advocate Sponsor
Don's Auto Care Center Advocate Sponsor
Viola, Chrabascz, Reynolds & Co, LLP Advocate Sponsor
Valerie Sharpe Individual/Family Sponsor
Leete Stevens Funeral Homes Individual/Family Sponsor
Hazardville Motors Individual/Family Sponsor
Mr & Mrs Ken Beauregard Fund the Mission Contribution